Panel Talk Comments
First of all, I really appreciate the opportunity that we students can meet and listen to those fantastic artists talk about their opinion and thoughts in person.
Me personally love Matt Lipps the most, his talk helps me understand more about his works. I really like how he talks about he turns 2D into 3D model and then flat it to 2D image again, this is the way that I've never thought about. And I do agree with what Jill said that she made a painting, and take a photo of it, then she threw it away. Just like she won't keep a bow of fruits forever, but the photograph will stay long time. I always think 'art work' as objects, like a sculpture, a painting etc... But I do have more questions - how do we evaluate the art work's value if it is just a photograph? Like I can easily print another one out. Not like a painting or sculpture, there's might only one exists in the world, so it is valuable. And I can keep its value along time past.
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