
Presentation Review - Erik Johansson

I really appreciate Luke introduce the artist Erik Johansson to us, who such a young talent constructive photographer. He showed us another world that doesn't exists in real world. The crazy imagination, and his ability to do creative projects. And he also has project related with turning 2D to 3D view, which is super interested to me. I wish I can apply those in my future projects and . designs. Moreover, Luke's presentation is briefly introduced Erik's background, progress of making projects, and the concepts of each project, overall, it is a very succeed presentation. I like it a lot!

final project

Weekly Inspiration - LS X - Luca Tombolini

Luca Tombolini completed classical studies and then a degree in Sciences of Communication, with a major on visual rhetoric in Cinema in 2005. While studying he self taught about large format photography. His works present the dynamic of the landscape, the snow mountain, reef, desert, glacier and rock, in an unique abstract way. His photograph eliminates all the vital signs and brings the audience back to the starting point of the universe. In this tenth chapter of my bigger project about landscape studies, I visited United States’s west. Seeking as usual a connection with the land I found a clashing difference between the majesty and spirituality of the sceneries and the values of contemporary society. Looking back at historic facts it was easy to see how little the newcomers had embraced the land’s spirituality. The questions raised aren’t just a local culture matter but they made me think even more about which relationship should modern man adopt with the place that generated himse...

Panel Talk Comments

First of all, I really appreciate the opportunity that we students can meet and listen to those fantastic artists talk about their opinion and thoughts in person.  Me personally love Matt Lipps the most, his talk helps me understand more about his works. I really like how he talks about he turns 2D into 3D model and then flat it to 2D image again, this is the way that I've never thought about. And I do agree with what Jill said that she made a painting, and take a photo of it, then she threw it away. Just like she won't keep a bow of fruits forever, but the photograph will stay long time. I always think 'art work' as objects, like a sculpture, a painting etc... But I do have more questions - how do we evaluate the art work's value if it is just a photograph? Like I can easily print another one out. Not like a painting or sculpture, there's might only one exists in the world, so it is valuable. And I can keep its value along time past. 

Weekly Inspiration - “The New World” - Micaela Lattanzio

After the success of Fragmenta, a series dedicated to the solitude of contemporary times, characterized by the image fragmentation and highlighting women issues in our century, the artist proposes a new series titled “New Worlds”, this time looking directly at the relationship between man and nature, and the impact that our society has on the environment in a close relationship between microcosm and macrocosm. Micaela Lattanzio’s work is characterized by its peculiar compositional technique, but this time the creative gesture is aimed to reconstruction, not to image fragmentation, where it was previously dissolved. Photography has a macroscopic matrix, thanks to the use of satellite software, that allows to take aerial photographs of the earth, the artist de-builds the image in small colored dots, which are used as three-dimensional pigments to reconstruct abstract views that resemble planets, new worlds, and unpublished molecular aggregates seen in the microscope. The artist dra...

Weekly Inspiration - Flatland II By Aydın Büyüktaş

Image Aydın Büyüktaş, inspired by the book of  Edwin Abbat “Flatland: A Romance of Many Dimensions” created his series called “Flatland” , in which he sets the foundations of a dimension where a space of surprises creates a space that creates suprises. We live in places that most of the times don’t draw our attention, places that transform our memories, places that the artist gives another dimension; where the perceptions that generally crosses our minds will be demolished and new ones will arise.    These works aims to leave the viewer alone with a surprising visuality ironic as well,multidimensional romantic point of view. While I was reading “Hyperspace” the book of Michio Kaku, he was using examples from “Flatland: A Romance of Many Dimensions” of Edwin Abbot. I discovered the book like this. I was very impressed by the book written in 1884 exemplifying the difficulties in comprehending the way of interconnecting the dim...

Artist Presentation Selection

Artist one Pierre Beteille Artist two penelope umbrico Artist three Adam Hale